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Literature Text

Her timbre tastes of
Clavinet and

Keystrokes in
Concert hall attire
During dressed re-
Are heard; she's
Playing what
Her audience

Presumes to hear:

Hearsay and
The deodorant of perfume;
The schlit! of a coroner
Cracking a
The audible inhale
After dialysis,
Prognoses on a podium turned dais.

She knows that people
Do not approach the podium,
But the lectern
To speak;

That the young conductor
Rises on the podium without
A lectern,
And speaks anyway.
Part of the 365 Days of Music Prompts

Day 1 - Massive Attack - Teardrop

It's always annoyed me that people don't seem to notice the difference between a lectern and a podium and confuse the two.

Words to know:

Clavinet: An electrically amplified clavichord, an instrument used from the late Medieval to Classical eras.
Clavicle: either of two slender bones, each articulating with the sternum and a scapula and forming the anterior part of a shoulder; also known as collarbone.
Sternum: a flat, narrow bone connected with the clavicles and the true ribs.
Dialysis: the process by which uric acid and urea are removed from circulating blood by means of a dialyzer.
Prognosis/Prognoses: a forecasting of the probable course and outcome of a disease, especially of the chances of recovery.
Podium: a small platform for the conductor of an orchestra, for a public speaker, etc.
Dais: a raised platform for several people.
Lectern: the stand on which a speaker's notes are placed.

To hear a clavinet listen to the melody of this song: Massive Attack - Teardrop

© 2012 Nic Swaner
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